Find Your Pure Potential

Lasting Happiness From Within

Individual and Group Coaching to Help You Find Your Pure Potential

Painting of doors opening to inner light.

Lasting Happiness Coaching helps professionals who feel lost, overwhelmed and unfulfilled find the pure potential that has always been with them, by providing a safe and supportive space, guiding their inward journey and building a path to tangible change.

Happy Clients

“After just one coaching session, Meg helped me to find focus and confidence on my new career path that I don’t think I could have found on my own.”

-Justyn M.

“As an honest ally and intuitive guide, Meg offered self-awareness exercises and tests as a way of understanding complex factors and subtle nuances which drive one’s thoughts and behavior. This personalized program helped me become more aware of my innate strengths and relate to my potential in both professional and spiritual contexts.”

-Nina D.

“Meg skillfully untangled my long-term struggle in relationships, and I discovered a completely new way of relating to myself and my emotions. I appreciated that she was always on my side, and never tried to put me into a box or framework. ”

-Tomoko S.